About Magnus Magnus is designed to define the universe of robotics and AI automation for organizations. It is also the first Dual Token Robotics and AI ICO in the world, built on two platforms - Ethereum and NEO. Magnus is the first truly decentralized network of AI agents, robots, sensors, equipment, and people to create a global marketplace for computing knowledge, skills and computing. Magnus launched a new era of business, technology, and thought. The Magnus Era brings with it fundamental changes in how intelligent systems are built and interacted with each other. Magnus's main goal is to make people smarter, better machines, cheaper and faster robots, and better AI by collaborating with other agents on the Magnus Collective network. In addition, Magnus will have its own independent bot agent ("Sentry Bots"), which ensures the absence of a foreign agent in Magnus's network. Sentry Bots will use whitelist and blacklist to maintain the...